Monday, June 25, 2018


I have, somehow, lucked myself between the arms of a man
Who loves me like a fairytale, as if the moon predestined me for him.
A man who wrapped himself in string and called it destiny
And with that woven rope turned into my every hidden fantasy.
I found my breath sucked between the lips of a man who wants me,
Not when it is convenient or easy, or when the sky is void of stars,
But when I sob into his shirt, or push myself away into the cage we made...
He wants me when I'm wet, and hurt, and bleeding.
I found my soul, somehow, at peace when his lips touch my forehead,
When the tips of his fingers write promises along my naked skin,
Promises he kept, and kept, and kept intact.

And you, my sweetest boy, still think I wait for you with bated breath,
Desperate for your light to lead me through the darkness I am drowning in,
The darkness you helped me fabricate through broken vows of love predestined,
A darkness in which demons overcame my soul.
You think that after all this time I'll kneel again, your faithful servant,
And will the best in me to lay down at your feet...
I can't deprave the man who loves me of everything that's sweet,
Of everything that I had kept for you to take, and kiss, and hold
Because the sky is dark and your bed is cold,
Because you're terrified that you're growing old...
You'll surely break me and destroy my soul.

For what do you expect me to leave my happy home?
For promises of love, for silencing my fears?
For children we could have? For promises you'd keep?
For faithful decades further, for a lack of lies?
My sweetheart you have said this far too many times.

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