Friday, June 14, 2024


Needle in hand, I'm pleased to help. 
Mending hearts I didn't break
For men that will not love me,
Worse yet, for men that will abuse me. 
I love to serve at the altar of your
Greatness. My knowledge is a serviette 
For which to wipe your mouth on. 
I am the keeper of knowledge on how to undo
Your trauma. Your brokenness. 
I mend hearts and trauma and find glue
For all of the jagged pieces that others'
Carelessness has left behind.
Scars on my fingertips from holding the
Stitches. I've lost feeling and count of all
Of the sacrifices I've made. Time lost. 
Pieces of my soul that were woven into 
All of the broken hearts I picked up along the way. 
I mend. I play seamstress to the throwaway
Lovers that women better than me couldn't stand,
I bloody my hands trying to prove that
The shadow of doubt behind your ribs is a lie.
And what do I get? I confetti my heart
For your entertainment. 
For your satisfaction. 

Come closer, amore. Give me the scraps,
Open your chest and allow me some time
To mend you. To hold your regard
Until you believe me that you're all that I want. 
Allow me to heal you, through love, lies, and lips,
And once you're all better, you can forget. 

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